The Friday Nightmares Podcast: Episode 93
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- Welcome to episode 93 of the premium podcast,
the Friday Nightmares Podcast,
with the most professional podcasters
in the horror community,
including those that live in Australia.
My name is Heather Powell,
and I come from Waterdown, Ontario, Canada.
I am one half of your hosting team,
and with me as always is-
- Mr. Smoke Show Crawford,
coming to you from the town of Sports Creek
in the county of Genesee,
in the state of Michigan,
in the United States of America,
in the North American continent,
in the Western hemisphere,
on the planet Earth,
in the Milky Way galaxy,
fully vax-boosted and waxed and ready to climax,
and if you can,
please get me wet and feeding me after midnight.
I'm the man with the glorious beard,
AKA mother of cats,
AKA man with humongous ego,
AKA Scott housing,
AKA Scotty too hottie,
AKA Spanky,
AKA the man that has the nice, short,
and succinct intro in all of podcasting history,
AKA Tim Davis is just jealous.
- On the topic of Tim Davis,
you and him actually have something in common.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah.
So Tim, even though he does consider his wife's daughter
from a previous relationship his daughter,
and I would never ever question that Tim,
technically you're a stepdad,
and so is Scotty.
- Oh, that is true.
- This means we need to remake the stepdad franchise.
We need to make him in it.
Like, absolutely.
Who do you think can play the better, crazy,
okay, it's you.
It's definitely not Tim.
I was about to be like,
no, I know who it is.
It's Scott.
It's definitely Scott.
100% new stepdad movie, remade.
Scott is the role.
- I don't know.
I think that's a toss-up,
like who would play the crazier stepdad, Tim or me.
- Right?
I would definitely both be the drunk aunt
that gets killed off.
I nominate myself as the aunt that puts it together
but dies halfway through the film.
- I love it.
- That's pretty accurate to what would happen.
- That's pretty, yeah.
You say you'd be having a good old time drinking
and one of us be stalking you.
Oh, she's been getting too close to knowing our secrets.
I'd be like, wait a minute, Scott, isn't a famous podcaster.
- I have fooled you.
- Friday Nightmares only has 500 downloads a month.
He's a liar.
Oh my gosh.
You know what I feel who has bedboozled me this year so far?
Like who's gaslit me into giving the money every month
and giving me nothing back?
- Shudder?
- Shudder.
So before we get into it,
I just finished watching, what was it?
The History of Violence?
Is that what it was called?
- History of Evil.
- History of Evil.
- History of Violence is actually a good movie
by David Cronenberg.
- Yes, so History of Evil.
Scott, I thought maybe you were too harsh.
I was like, you know,
Scott's kind of becoming a Trump supporter now.
He's kind of like, you know, maybe he's walking that line.
There's only so long one can live in Michigan
without finally being, you know,
forced to the dark side, right?
And then I'm like, oh no, no, no.
Scott's still democratic.
It's okay.
He's right, what a piece of garbage film.
Like I trusted your judgment that it wasn't great.
So I wasn't even gonna watch it.
But then I was like, well, you know,
we do watch all the Shudder films
and it's something we pride ourselves on
as being the premium podcast
and very professional podcasters.
And like, it's one of the few things
that Rob won't fight with us,
that it's a 2024, shouts out to the hump.
Thanks for your ongoing support, Rob.
I'm sorry that your son listened to a line
where I told you to, you know.
- That was great.
- 'Cause I am your friend.
So hopefully your son hears this part.
- And also make sure you have a conversation
with your son about your number one film of 2024,
Lisa Frankenstein.
I'm sure he wants to know all about how good that movie is.
- I haven't watched it yet because I knew it, Rob.
It looks dreadful.
Like it looks like not something that I would enjoy,
but I will probably eventually watch it
'cause as a premium podcaster, that's very professional.
That's what you think of this year.
I was just talking about, or me, sorry.
Me talking about how we're the premium podcasters.
- I was gonna say, I just usually let you go
and then I'm like, yep.
- I hope at this point it's regular enough listeners
like can imagine tuning in for the first time.
And here's this fucking chick that laughs
at all her own jokes, fucks up movie titles all the time,
doesn't know shit, and thinks she's the premium podcaster.
The Google review would be, what is it, review?
Yes, it would be horrible, but it'd be true.
Like none of it would be wrong.
Like, I mean, that's exactly how this goes down.
But yeah, what a crummy movie.
And like, I didn't even get the whole,
like I don't know what they were going with.
And this is a spoiler, I apologize.
But what the fuck was with the dad in this film?
Like what the fuck was happening, Scott?
- I couldn't really even tell you.
Like I said, it's been a few weeks now since I've watched it.
And yeah, I'm already forgetting a lot of it.
All I remember is husband and wife should not be together
'cause they are awful people.
- No one should be in this movie.
They should all be murdered.
I wanna decide what the fucking like people
that were running the world, they were less annoying.
And what's with their like ghetto iPad that they had?
They had this like iPad, they're like, oh, it's 2045.
And they had like an iPad from like 2010
that they were using.
Like is our technology not like-
- I mean, to be fair, that probably would be about the case
with Trump's America.
- Good point, good point.
But yeah, and then there's been nothing else from "Shutter".
It's been, it's been very slow.
So- - Yeah, we've been having to go to,
we've been cheating on "Shutter"
'cause it's given us no other choice.
- But here's the thing, unlike Matt Wood
who breaks up with "Shutter"
like every year except for October
so he could just cram in his movie watches.
I'm a loyal bitch and I'm gonna stand by "Shutter"
because they do, they have been putting older stuff.
Here's the thing with "Shutter"
is that they do provide a variety of films.
So if there's like other stuff,
'cause they have something on there that made me laugh
that I think we had to watch for, it's not horror.
And I can't remember where it was in sequel.
I'll have to look it up later.
- Oh yeah, "Death Stalker" and "Death Stalker" too.
- Yeah, yeah, the "Death Stalker" films.
And- - Fucking love those movies.
- If you want unique stuff, "Shutter" is where it's at, baby.
Like you can get some really, really mint stuff.
It's just sometimes you just gotta wait
for the good drops to come on it, but it is worth your money.
I'm not gonna sit here and shit all over it
because the new releases aren't great
because there is other good stuff on "Shutter."
- Oh yeah.
- Even their audio series was pretty good
that I was listening to for a little bit.
Like it's not a bad streaming service,
but when you're premium podcasters, like Scott and I,
and you've seen all the movies,
'cause we take our craft very seriously,
it's hard.
But if you're someone like, let's say,
your initials start with M, W,
and you live in a place called UK,
then maybe you just need to explore more on "Shutter."
And you just need to really open your eyes
to all the different horrors.
Don't worry, I'll show this person when I come over
all the different horrors that are available.
It's actually just like me forcing Matt
to go through "Shutter" and watch films.
- Watch this, watch this, watch this.
- Like Heather, this wasn't good.
I'm like, you just don't get it.
That's all, you just don't get it.
Getting all like frustrated and flustered.
Oh my, but yeah, you had a fun night.
I don't know, do you wanna talk
about your Chinese buffet last night?
I feel like that's worth talking about, was it good?
- Oh yeah, so it's, yeah, yesterday we celebrated
our oldest son's birthday, Connor.
He turned 16, so he went out back to his hometown
to a cafe to visit with his old friends from high school.
And right after that--
- And talk about how creepy his stepfather is.
- Exactly. - Like the plot of the movie.
- But then they came back and we went out to a Chinese buffet
and met up with my parents and this is the buffet
that I wanted to take them to when they first moved in.
And we've been there three different times now
and yeah, they absolutely love it.
And yeah, it's just, you get your money's worth
and you leave nice and full.
And it's even got a sushi buffet
that's making fresh sushi constantly.
- So I was talking with a gentleman at work
who's also from Michigan.
Though he's from, where was MLM's?
Multi-Level Marketing, it's a big one.
MSC, I think it is, Amway.
- Oh, okay.
- So he's near where the headquarters for Amway is.
That's where his family's from.
Not Amway, but near Amway.
And he was saying, and I think he's 100% right,
no one does buffets like the USA.
- That is true.
- No one does them buffets like USA, USA, USA.
- I would not argue with that fact
'cause you can get, we get fat for a reason.
- Do you say we get fat for a reason?
Hey, you know what, I bet you had some good Edens.
How much was it per person last night?
- Like 16 bucks.
- Oh yeah, it's worth it with two teenage boys too.
They probably ate for four people.
- Yeah, I was gonna say, eat to your heart's content.
- Right?
- Yeah, and then also, you know, it's been,
I haven't got a chance to watch as many 2024s as you
because my life got really busy
'cause we did just add in a new edition to our family.
- Cujo.
- Yes, but no, we added a nine-month-old Shepsky,
which is a German Shepherd Husky mix.
He's a one-eyed, nine-month-old Puppers named River.
And it's like having a toddler
'cause yeah, life has gotten a lot busier with him now
'cause it's like having to go on walkies all the time
and making sure he brings up all the energy
and then constant bathroom potty breaks and stuff.
But he's so freaking cute and adorable.
- He looks like he's forever winking at you.
That's what I absolutely love.
Like he's got some secret
that he's trying to like communicate to you.
And he's making the winkies, it's pretty adorable.
- He's like, "Eh, eh?" (laughs)
- I love him and I don't even know him.
Like I think you should be concerned
for the next time I come there, God.
Like I feel like, 'cause I assume it will be for a wedding,
ideally yours to Erica or me to Erica.
I don't know, whatever happens, I guess.
It's all in God's hands now.
I feel as though George will have to have a talk with me
'cause I'm assuming he'll wanna come
and he'll have to be like, "Look Heather, River,
"we're visiting, not taking, visiting."
And I'll be like, "He comes with me." (laughs)
- And Mickey would be like, "God damn it, mom."
- He'd be like, "Who's this fucking asshole?
"And why does he always look like he's winking at me?"
- Yeah, what the hell?
He's hiding something, I know it.
- I'll be like, "Look, Scott is the new stepfather
"from the stepfather films.
"This is who Scott is, okay?
"I need to get the dog out.
"But what about the kids?
"They can fight him off, the dog has no chance."
- Oh, the funny thing is, River, I've only heard him bark,
I've only heard him bark like once, like last week,
like one single bark and then twice this morning.
Apparently, he woke me up 'cause he barked
'cause Erika was watching TV with him.
Apparently, he's like Mickey.
He sees a dog on TV and he looks up
and he starts kind of grumbling a little bit
then he barked at one. (laughs)
- You know that means he's smart, right?
- Oh yeah.
- Is it hard for you now dropping even further
in the household? (laughs)
- I mean, I'm with our bully cats in this.
The whole chain of hierarchy has been reestablished
once again, so now, you know, Gray and Biff
are now the ones that are scared shitless of River.
I've went down on the totem pole.
Elizabeth and Poof are now higher up on the pole
'cause they just don't give a shit about River now.
They're just like-- - I'm always on the pole.
- I get you. (both laughing)
Sorry. - God damn it.
- Was Erika on the pole?
Actually, she's probably not.
She went and got a college degree.
She's doing something worthwhile with her life.
- Good Lord. (both laughing)
Oh yeah, she's the top tier.
- She's the top of the pole.
Well, from the top of the pole, I watch her go down.
(both laughing)
Does she listen still?
Does she listen still?
- I think she still does.
- I'd like to listen to this one.
- I'll say, I think she may be a little bit behind, but--
- Well, yeah, she has to fucking take care
of all you fuckers, of course.
She's behind.
- I mean, I'd do what I can to help,
but she does, she does.
- Oh, she's the fucking boss.
She'd be a good wife.
You better wife that soon, Scott.
Be careful.
- Yeah, I'll say, 'cause I gotta make sure
I keep you away, fuck.
- I know, I know, hey, all the years I've had to put up with,
"Oh, Scott's so nice, oh, Scott's so handsome,
"oh, Scott's so sexy, oh, look at Scott."
I'm like, remember, so many heterosexual men wanted Scott.
I'm like, "Hi," they're like, "Oh no, no, no.
"We don't do that here."
- Where's that sexy smoke show?
(both laughing)
- Oh man, well anyway,
I guess we should get into these movies.
This banter, though, it's probably more entertaining
than 50% in these movies, but--
- Yeah, I was gonna say, do we have to?
- Honestly, I watched some good shit.
Majority of the stuff I watched was good.
- For me, there was one.
- Unless you don't watch what I watched, that's fine.
- Plus, you're gaslit.
- Okay, no, let me assure you,
any kind of Asian film is good.
Generally speaking, if it's on Netflix
and it's an Asian film, it's probably good.
You gotta admit.
- Oh yeah.
- Did you see this first one?
- Nope, I haven't seen anything 'til the third movie down.
- What the fuck, you could watch this at work.
- I just, it didn't sound interesting.
- This is interesting, it's right up your alley.
All right, this movie is called Cell Phone.
It is an 88-minute runtime.
Winnie, who is suffering from PTSD
from the death of her fiance,
starts seeing disturbing images on her cell phone
about her future.
If she doesn't figure them out in time, she will die.
Dave Bailey gave this baby a three-star review,
and I gotta agree with him.
Maybe I'm more a little bit, oh, Sandra Cain.
I don't know, I'll call him by his stripper name.
I'll try to remember that for the rest of the show.
It's a good film.
I thought this was an excellent low-budget film.
The Young Lady, who stars in this,
I found Whitney Rose Pine quite good.
It's a small cast.
There's literally only three people
that you see regularly throughout it,
plus someone who's on the phone.
And really, really good relationship-based horror.
- Okay.
- Low-budget done well.
And a great use of a cell phone in a not-a-cheesy way.
Using a cell phone in a way
that you know you don't have the big budget,
so you're focusing more on your storytelling.
And I think a three-to-three-and-a-half-star rating,
which is what I see here between Tim Walker
and Sandra Cain and myself, is a very fair assessment.
So if you like good character development,
you enjoy the low budget,
and you enjoy a little bit of a mental illness,
the PTSD part of it does come out,
for fair reason of why she's suffering from PTSD.
It's not like, not that every PTSD is dumb for any reason,
but you can understand where it came from.
It's very clear.
She's affable.
Even the secondary character that's kind of like her friend,
and truly just her friend, their platonic friends,
is actually quite affable too.
Everyone's affable in this, to be honest.
Everyone's affable.
And I think that makes a huge difference.
So this is available for rent on Apple TV, Google Play,
Voodoo, YouTube, Microsoft Store.
If what I described sounds like your jam,
this is worth the money.
This could be up for an award for me.
If I was to do a top, let's see, how many do I have right now?
I think I'd watch 37, I think?
- Good Lord! - Yeah, 37.
I would probably put this in the top 15.
Like I said, it's good.
I know, that's 'cause I watch movies,
'cause I am a serious podcaster.
- I'm at 23. (laughs)
- Well, you know, what does it take to be number one?
Two is not a winner, and three nobody remembers.
(both laughing)
I am number one.
That's gonna play that song over and over again.
That was Nellie for anyone under the age of 40
who has good taste.
- I have excellent taste.
- You like Nellie too?
- I like some Nellie.
I don't know that song, but I like some Nellie.
- Oh, you probably know it if I played it.
I'll play it next time when you come up.
We all know my good 2000s beats.
So yeah, this is worth it.
Scotty, you should watch it.
I think you would dig it.
- Okay, I actually, while you were talking,
I added it to my watch list.
I'm not about to keep, to remind me to watch it,
'cause there's a lot of these movies that you talk about,
and I always forget which ones are good,
so now I'm trying to keep track by adding them
to my watch list.
- And you can watch this at work.
There's nothing bad in it or scandalous in it.
It's a, yeah, it's pretty tame.
- Okay, good to know.
And yet the next one is you as well.
This one I think I skipped 'cause if I remember correctly,
you were nine.
- Ah, yeah, oh, Tim Davis gave it three stars and a review.
We're gonna have to definitely read that, bad boy.
I didn't think this was horrible.
I just know that you don't have tons of time right now,
so I didn't recommend it,
but I don't think it's a bad film.
So "Stranger in the Woods."
This is an 82-minute runtime
just when you think you're out of the woods.
Olivia and her friends go on vacation
after Olivia nearly drowns with a slit wrist in her bathtub
after her fiance's funeral.
Her friends suspect that she tried to kill herself,
but no one, but she believes someone attacked her.
Let's read Tim Davis' review.
A creepy low-budget film that was made decently,
but the story, especially the third act,
didn't mesh well with me.
That's interesting.
I thought the third act was the best part of it.
- Oh, wow.
- Tim, look at us.
Always at wars.
- The two professional podcasters.
- I know, that's what happens when you have two premium
professional podcasters from two different leagues.
I actually thought this was a well-done low-budget film.
I thought the third act was quite good.
All the characters made sense to me.
Everything made sense.
There's, of course, a little bit of lack of believability
in some parts.
I thought it ended a little abruptly.
Now that I'm talking about it,
I probably enjoyed it more than I'm giving it credit for.
I actually thought it was pretty clever,
and I thought that the acting was good,
the writing was decent.
So Scott, maybe do watch this,
because I think it is easy to watch at work.
And right now, it's slow for 2024.
So maybe you'll find this a little more,
we'll stand out to you a little bit more.
It is available on Hoopla, Apple TV, Google Play,
Microsoft Store, YouTube.
That being said, to watch this movie,
you need to enjoy low-budget.
You need to enjoy a lot of dialogue
and character development and waiting to the third act
for stuff to get really kind of whore-ish, so to say.
You kind of got to give it the time to get there.
But an 82-minute runtime, it doesn't overstay its welcome.
So it's not like you're sitting through an hour and a half
before anything happens.
It does start to pick up relatively quick.
So, yeah. - Nice.
Okay, see, I will add that one to my list.
- Now finally, you're gonna actually do something, so.
- Yes.
So, the first movie I watched after our last recording.
So I figured I'd try to get this one out of the way,
'cause, yeah, I need to.
But it's called "Life of Belle."
It's a 72-minute runtime.
The synopsis is, "On July 18th, 2018,
Annabelle Starnes went missing.
What was found in the home
would shock this small town of South Carolina."
This was a 2B watch, 'cause I just say, "Oh my God, it's 2B.
It's found footage."
I always try to give the found footage for the year
that you watch.
This definitely is a very, very low budget,
like micro-budget, I would say,
and definitely takes very heavy inspiration
from the filming style of paranormal activity,
where it's just going between different cameras
throughout the house, and it's a lot of still shots.
But with micro-budget, most of the time, this happens,
the acting is just not on par.
And this one, the acting was a bit rough, obviously,
with the little kids.
I give "Legacy 2" 'cause they were just young kids,
and they felt believable for the most part.
It's the mother that just kind of goes off the rails a bit,
and the script just didn't really feel like
it was that fleshed out to make it interesting.
Granted, I'm not gonna complain, it was a free watch,
but it's not something I would really recommend.
It's just, it was there.
I think I gave it, 'cause I know Matt would watch it,
Sexy Matt would watch it, too.
- You know what, Matt would get to me, I would.
- Fuck yeah.
He gave it two out of five stars,
and he's like, "I want it to be like this,"
but it's so slow, even for a film
that's only 70 minutes long.
Nothing really happens 'til the end,
and then you don't see much.
I do think it's well directed,
and the found footage element was done well,
and the reasons behind it.
I thought the adult acting was mediocre,
but the kids stole the show, they were excellent.
Some of the scenes generally made me smile and chuckle.
And yep, I'm not gonna go into any more right now,
'cause yeah, there's little spoiler talk,
but him and I both gave it the same review.
Like, for a low budget, good try,
just story wasn't enough fleshed out,
and yeah, the main actor, the adult actors were meh.
- And it's a Tubi watch, right?
- Yeah, yep, it's only available on Tubi.
- Guts like, "That's 'cause I love Tubi."
- That's 'cause the app of Tubi,
it seems to be the only damn thing
that works on my Amazon Fire Stick
in our bedroom nowadays, that and YouTube.
- And Pornhub.
- I don't need that anymore.
- That's true, that's true, you're too tired.
- Exactly, exactly.
- What is porn, what is sex?
Is that that thing you do?
- Is that that sloppy thing
that makes the funny noises and the smells and the stuff?
- That's squishy, that's squishy.
- It's where the lube comes in, I forget.
- That doesn't work.
Well, speaking of sex,
that moves into my next movie, actually.
- Oh boy, I haven't heard of this one.
- It's fucking excellent, this movie is called Soulmates.
It is a 95 minute runtime and this is the synopsis.
Two unsuspecting strangers, Jason and Allison,
find themselves participants in a twisted new dating service
led by the matchmaker.
It forces two singles inside a nightmarish maze
assigned to help them find their soulmate or die trying.
This has a 3.0 rating on the letterbox
and no one has watched it because I'm a premium podcaster,
so clearly I'm leaning the charge on this one.
- There is one, I'm looking it up right now,
there's one person on my list that's seen it,
his name is Vic Grimes.
- Yeah, me too.
- It says if Jigsaw ran a dating service,
that was his review.
- That is exactly what this is.
It is so much fun.
I suspected the end name, but I didn't care,
it was fucking great.
Some of the special effects, the practical effects,
Chef's Kiss, this was not a huge budget film.
We are not looking at a big studio back in this one
or anything like that.
Basically these two people wake up chained to each other
and they have to survive this basically escape room
of torture and it's room after room
that simulates the idea of getting to know someone
and going on dates and other people's lives are put at risk
and then it goes on.
This movie is fucking excellent.
Thank you, whoever made this movie
and released it this year.
I know it had a limited release last year, Rob Humphries,
but this year is when it's had its main release
and I totally recommend it to anyone.
At an 88 minute runtime, oh no, sorry, 95 minute runtime,
you are not wasting your time with this bad boy.
It is available on Apple, Google, YouTube, Microsoft,
and Amazon.
It is worth any price if you enjoyed any kind of torture porn
when it comes to horror and it is called Soulmate.
You will hear about it again at the end of this year.
That's how confident I am in that.
- Wow, all right.
So yeah, that one is added to my watch list as well then.
- Watch that with Erica if you can.
- All right, as I'm guessing, is this a Good Friends Plex?
- It is.
- Okay.
- Yes.
- All right, so I'll keep an eye out for that one.
- And you have not watched the next one, have you?
- I have not.
- Well, sometimes a hero needs to come along.
I noticed no other podcasters have watched it either
'cause I'm a premium podcaster.
- (laughs) Here we go.
- No, not on my list.
They don't count if they're not on my list.
- Tim Walker watched it.
- He's not a podcaster.
- Oh, isn't he?
I thought he was.
- Maybe.
Oh, shit, Tim, are you a pod, Tim?
Tim, Tim, if you listen, are you a podcaster?
So write something, you know who is Jason Gray
on Letterbox?
'Cause that's someone I need to follow.
- Yeah, Jason Gray, send us your Letterbox
'cause I don't think we're following each other.
- No, we definitely need to follow Jason.
Jason always gives the better reviews.
Read our comment page on Facebook for shit
that Jason has to say.
- Yes.
- Indigo, Indigo is available on the Netflix.
Netflix Canada, Netflix United States.
I don't know, internationally maybe.
It is a 118-minute runtime.
What do you see is the tagline?
In order to rescue her sister from the clutches
of a vengeful ghost, a woman must unlock
her latent supernatural abilities
and navigate the metaphysical realms.
This is an exorcism movie.
This is a Perfect Session movie.
But thank God it's not about hardcore Christianity.
Definitely some Christian themes in it
because I do think this was made in the Philippines
and there's a lot of Christian faith there.
But this wasn't annoyingly like that.
There's certain individuals in this folklore
who can see demons.
They're not necessarily a religious figure,
but they're someone that has the gift
and they're able to see evil
and they can confront demons.
And this movie talks about if your powers were suppressed
for whatever reason, and then for some reason
they had to come back to save someone you love.
And like typical Filipino movie endings,
it's not a fucking happy ending.
You think it's gonna be a happy ending,
but shit just gets worse, which I fucking love.
I love it.
I love that shit.
I love like these, you know, possession films
where like they're like, oh, well we solved this problem,
but guess what, I just think it's more realistic.
I really did enjoy this film.
I thought the acting all around was decent.
Watched it with subtitles, which was great.
Everyone did a good job.
It is a long movie at 118 minutes.
So you do have to be invested for the long haul,
but I would say it is worth it
and entertaining if you have Netflix.
And this is what Netflix does well.
They do pick up good international horror.
I think every year Scott and I have acknowledged it.
Some international horror film that comes up on Netflix
is usually our top two or you sometime in our top 10,
not it gets awards from us.
And definitely if you have Netflix, this is worth it.
It's called Indigo.
- Nice, another one that I've added to my watch list.
You're gonna make me busy.
- Well, I told you to watch this before,
but I know it's hard for you 'cause it's subtitled
and you don't have a lot of time at home.
- Right, and distraction with boys and puppers.
- Try to watch it before the end of the year.
- Oh, I will.
- I know you don't love exorcism films,
but honestly, Scott, this isn't as annoying
as some other ones that we've seen.
- What I was gonna say, I like exorcism films
when they are done in a unique way
that's not just been there, done that.
- And it's like, I don't know.
It's also annoying when it's not
fucking white people in America.
You know what I mean?
Like, and it's not the Catholic church
and it's not like that other shit
that's been done so many times over, right?
So it is a little bit of a formula come to life,
but I enjoyed it, so let me know when you see it.
- Oh, definitely.
I will definitely try to watch that
as soon as I get a chance.
So I will jump on to the next one.
I noticed you probably have not watched this one yet.
This one is called Frogman.
Okay, it's got a 80-minute runtime,
and I love this tagline, "The croaks are no hoax."
- That's cute, actually.
- So an amateur filmmaker struggling
to turn his passion into a career
returns home to Loveland with his friends
determined to obtain irrefutable proof
that the cryptid legend of Frogman does exist.
So yeah, this is a found footage film.
It's gotten a lot of awards and festivals
and stuff like that.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah, 'cause I watched the trailer
and you had to have a bunch of awards in the beginning.
So I'm like, okay, I'll give this a shot.
And yeah, it was a pretty entertaining found footage film.
The acting, I thought, was all around good.
The found footage filming,
which I always try to nitpick if I can,
'cause you gotta make it believable.
They make it believable.
There's no music playing in the background.
There's no editing chops.
There's no-- - Nice, nice, nice.
- There's always a reason
that someone is filming one way or another.
And then it gets to, like the first two acts,
it's kind of like almost like a close thing I can say
is like Blair Witch-ish in the way that just slow builds.
Kind of things are kind of sprinkled in,
happening here and there,
interviewing townspoken stuff.
Then the third act happens and shit just goes off the rails.
The practical effects are really cool.
Some are corny, but like almost in a purposeful,
how can you make a Frogman creature
look not corny type thing?
But the practical effects are all well done.
Like it all looks good.
And yeah, I had a blast with this.
I have it as a seven out of 10 right now.
I think talking about it and thinking about it,
it might go up to an 8.5 for me.
'Cause yeah, I did enjoy this.
The characters, while can be a little bit frustrating
with some of them,
it was still like all part of that whole package.
It worked wonderfully.
- Well, I have this on my watch list, so that's great to know.
And I don't know why we said that there wasn't good films.
So far, every film that we've bought,
besides the one, we're like check out.
So don't listen to us.
- Well, I'll say so far, you're the only one
that's said like that besides this one,
'cause I've only watched one other, besides us.
- True, true, good point.
Right, I'm a premium podcaster, that's true.
So I forget that. - 100%.
- I'm like the brand name,
you're like some knockoff fucking great value.
- Pretty much, yeah.
- Only people in North America and Canada got that.
Everyone else like great value, what the fuck?
Okay, for UK, it's like Scott came from Poundland, okay?
And I came from fucking a really nice grocery store,
high end, high end grocery store.
- And I wanna mention real quick,
this is available to rent on Apple TV,
Google Play and YouTube right now.
- And renting worthwhile, yes?
- Absolutely. - Awesome.
- Especially if you are a found footage fan.
Look at that, huh?
Frogman, found footage renting, excellent.
So the Philippines have their own version of VHS movies,
but they're called Shake, Rattle and Roll.
There's a whole bunch of them.
Have you heard of this before?
- I have not.
- Yeah, and like wild, huh?
Well, they got one on Netflix right now
that's called Shake, Rattle and Roll Extreme.
It's 147 minutes, I know.
That's correct everybody, 147 minutes.
The iconic horror movie franchise is back
and even more extreme.
A series of vignettes continue to neglected
and gadget addicted six-year-old who befriends
a malevolent entity.
I won't read more of that 'cause it's a spoiler.
A group of influencers gathering to collab
in a luxurious mansion.
And a bunch of thrill seekers who go on a trip
to watch a meteor shower.
All these stories were fucking trebia,
like excellent.
I think everyone will walk out of this
with stories that they like more or stories they like less,
like any kind of anthology.
But if this doesn't win anthology of the year for me,
I will be fucking shocked.
I don't know what's gonna come and hold a candle to this.
I would watch it a second time.
I enjoyed it so much, especially the first story.
- Holy shit, I just got an earp because you were saying
this is like a series.
I'm scrolling through.
This one is the 17th film in the franchise.
- I would love to go back and watch the other ones
because this is pretty high quality.
It's good.
- Yeah, it looks like the first one
was all the way back in 1984, I think it said.
- Nice.
- Yeah, 1984.
- Wow.
- That's wild.
- Yeah, holy crap, that's a long-going franchise.
- I can see why.
I'll be real with you.
I really fucking enjoyed these three movies.
Yes, they're long.
It's not a short film.
You can break it up into chunks.
You could watch the first story, the second story,
and the third story.
George watched it with me.
He enjoyed all of them.
They're all good.
They're all good.
The special effects are good.
The acting's good.
Everything's good.
It's good, good, good, good, good, good, good.
Everything's creepy.
It's well fucking done.
Congratulations, Netflix.
You may have a film, again, this year in my top 10.
I can't praise this movie enough.
I really, really enjoyed it.
I think as an anthology, it needs to be watched.
It is only available right now in subtitles,
so you do have to be focusing in on it,
but it's on the Netflix.
If you have the Netflix, check it out.
It's definitely worth your time.
- Awesome, yes.
'Cause I did add this one to my watch list on Netflix.
- Oh, fuck yeah.
- I just gotta get the time to do it.
I might even just watch it in segments,
like watch one story, then another story.
- I think it's a good idea.
It would be easier for you to do it that way,
and they're easy to do
'cause they're basically like full films.
- Right, okay, perfect.
All right, so the next one,
you and I finally got one that we both watched.
Let me pull that up real quick.
- And you liked it more,
so I think definitely you should read the charge on it.
- Yeah, probably not for the right reasons, though,
but we'll see.
So the next one is "Molicious."
91-minute runtime, the truth might set you free.
The McCabe family's weekend getaway is turned upside down
when a mysterious stranger knocks on their door.
Yeah, basically, I'll give a little more detail here
before I get into my thoughts,
but this is a politician and his family at a getaway.
He married into this family.
So daughter and mother are not like,
the mother is, the daughter is the mother's,
but yeah, the husband is stepdad.
And of course, there's obviously stepchild,
stepfather, hatred, like you see in movies all the time,
but it gets into reasons for that
that I will not describe right now.
But yeah, this is an interesting movie,
and I think I like it more just because it is,
politician gets what's coming to him,
and I am all for politicians getting what's coming to them.
Some people just use this power for the wrong fucking reasons.
And yep, I'm not a real politically driven person
when it comes to movies most of the time,
but when I was watching this movie,
I was like, fuck yeah, show them.
Yeah, yeah, that's fair, that's fair.
But it's not a great movie, it's questionable,
but at the same time, like I say,
I kind of dig that part of it,
and it was definitely an entertaining watch.
Yeah, I think that's a really fair statement.
I think everyone does a good job of acting.
The asshole politician is an asshole,
like he does a great job of you being like,
gee, you're a piece of shit, which is great.
The young lady in it does a great job of performing.
I'll be honest, I was a little shocked at the ending,
but not too shocked.
I thought it was okay.
It was "Stranger Danger," I guess, done well,
but I just felt that some of the things
were just so stereotypical over the top,
though I do agree with you, Scott,
you make so many good points, it does happen.
There are people 100% like that.
I just felt like it was everything.
All we needed for him to do was murder a puppy,
and that would have been the last thing
that could have happened that I could have done.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, 'cause he's basically every politician stereotype
rolled up into just one character
instead of spread across all these different politicians.
Basically, right, but it's not bad for a low-budget film.
Again, if I look at it from a low-budget film,
it's like, you know, it's the same thing as a low-budget film.
It's like, it's the same thing as a low-budget film.
It's like, you know, it's the same thing as a low-budget film.
It's like, you know, it's the same thing as a low-budget film.
It's like, you know, it's the same thing as a low-budget film.
It's like, you know, it's the same thing as a low-budget film.
It's like, you know, it's the same thing as a low-budget film.
It's like, you know, it's the same thing as a low-budget film.
It's like, you know, it's the same thing as a low-budget film.
It's like, you know, it's the same thing as a low-budget film.
You know, there's some good quality low-budgets that have come out because we haven't had a lot of the blockbusters yet, or anything that's been really like, well, I guess Imaginary's out right now, and I haven't heard much about that so far, have you heard anything?
It sounds like your typical Blumhouse-style movie.
I don't even know if it was done by Blumhouse, but it sounds like your typical Blumhouse-style, so it'll probably just be Easy Watch.
Easy Watch entertaining, you know, on non-premium podcasters' top 10 lists because they're not like you and I, right?
Exactly, 100%.
Where could people watch this, though?
Where is there?
This one is available.
Amazon, Apple TV, Google Play, Voodoo.
Yep, so available to rent there.
I'd say if it's like $2.99, $3.99 rental, go for it.
It's not amazing, but it's not terrible.
Yeah, I think that's above average.
Yeah, it's just above, like other podcasts.
Oh, man.
And since you've been doing a lot of the talking with all the other films, I know we both watched this one as well, so I'll bring this one in as well.
Please do, because you also liked this more than I did.
Yes, I did.
All right, so this next one is called The Seeding.
"Has a 100-minute runtime. When a hiker gets lost in the desert, a gang of feral children, propelled by haunting legacies, traps him in a sadistic battle for survival with a frightening endgame."
This is basically a modern kind of twist on The Hills Have Eyes, in a way it seems, except with just children instead of just inbred people.
And there might be some of that, too, but I thought all the acting in this was really well done.
I thought it was really well shot, well directed.
The story had me intrigued.
I wanted to know where the hell it was going, who this woman he was trapped with in this giant pit was, and how she got there and this and that.
And I kind of seen the reveal towards the end of how she got there.
I kind of seen that coming.
But at the same time, the ride to that reveal, I thought was really well done.
And it had some decently gory moments to it, some shocking moments to it as well, like with some things that happened to others.
But yeah, all around, I found this to be a very highly enjoyable, kind of creepy, kind of claustrophobic watch.
Because, yeah, you're basically a trapped animal. There is no escape for you in this pit that they threw this guy in.
And I will give a shout out to Tim Davis and Luffy.
They both watched it. Tim Davis really liked it.
And Luffy gave it, I think he said, a nine out of ten.
He said this was the first film in a little while that has actually scared him.
Wow. Is he high?
I mean, he might have been, but.
He's like, fuck watching this film. I don't think I got fear from this film.
But, yeah, I would say that Matt Wood and Tim both had some pretty strong reviews on this.
Tim, if you think this is what's turning around for you, you need to watch more films this year, Tim.
But it's tough. He's in Australia.
Like, he probably doesn't get half of the shit we do. Right.
So if he's only getting half of it and half of it is pretty shitty, then that's pretty tough to find stuff that's decent.
This was not a Heather film.
That being said, I am nothing but praise for how it was made, how it was acted, what the purpose was.
It's a great movie. And I can see this being in people's top films of the year.
It just wasn't for me. So I'm glad you talked so highly about it, because I was like, yeah, I get it.
Yeah, it's creepy. Yeah. Like, it just didn't stick with me.
But that being said, this film's like fucking give credit where credit's due.
Like, and it was something unique.
Like, yeah, you could say they ripped off from some other concepts like The Lost Boys from Peter Pan only like real fucked.
Right. Well, I was just saying, I mean, almost all films take inspiration from something.
I mean, how can you not? Exactly.
But this wasn't like I didn't feel like this had been done before.
Like, I didn't feel like, oh, I've seen this movie just in a different package.
Like, I felt this was actually quite unique.
And at the 100 minute runtime, I don't think it overstayed its welcome.
And I thought that it was really, really dark and well done.
It just didn't hit me like it hit other people.
But objectively, I can totally get nine out of tens, eight out of tens, seven out of tens, like totally, totally get it.
So watch it, people. You'll enjoy it.
It's well done.
And Tim Davis did bring up on his podcast that, you know, who knows if a rewatch would he says the rewatch may kind of affect this movie for the negative, because you already know you already know and see what's coming.
I could see that. I could see that if you are the type that would do a lot of rewatches throughout, you know, and this was one that you really liked.
I could see how you watch each time just kind of just less and less each time.
Maybe I could see it. I guess so.
I think it's very solid for at least a one time watch.
Yeah, I think it's definitely a standard of this year.
And I definitely think people should pay whatever it's on all the streaming services.
Like, the only thing I'll add for Canada is Cineplex, but it's on everything else like YouTube, Microsoft Store, Amazon.
Did you see anything else there like Vudu or anything?
Yep, Vudu, Google Play, Apple TV. Yeah, so that's available to rent everywhere, basically.
Like this is worth watching. If you are trying to watch twenty twenty threes this year and you listen to our show and you're looking for us to tell you to watch a film.
You know, so far out of the list we've talked about, I would say the two Netflix films, one hundred and ten percent, Shake, Rattle and Roll, Extreme, Indigo.
The The Soulmates, which is the VOD, the seeding are ones that are must watches.
Like, I don't care who you are. I think you'll enjoy those films.
The other ones and Frogman, I think the other ones are decent.
If you like low budget, they're decent.
But I wouldn't say the average maybe horror viewer would like them.
The next the next one is a UK film and I should have known better.
So this was released in twenty twenty two, like May and in twenty twenty two at film festivals, didn't get a wide release till this year.
And there's a reason why. Oh, boy.
The curse is real at this 82 minute runtime at the behest of her boss.
Journalist Ingrid returns to her ancestral home where several children are found slaughtered in the nearby woodland.
What the village suspecting the infamous winter witch sound familiar, which is, yeah, the words stealing kids.
Anyway, together with their daughter, Eleanor, the estranged grandmother, Oma Ingrid,
on Ingrid's husband must uncover the truth and stop the curse.
I felt like I was cursed from watching this movie.
It was fine. It was a typical folklore story.
The problem was that it was very low budget and it relied on a couple of people to act that weren't great actors.
I think if they had chosen different people for the cast, it would have been different.
But I feel like when I look at the list here, these are the people in this film, like some of them, this was with the exception of a few.
This was kind of their first big break set stuff with a couple of bigger names from Britain thrown in.
Like the woman that played Oma is Rula Lansky, who's been in a lot of other films over the years.
So, you know, you throw in a couple.
It's like when you throw Barbara Crampton in a film.
Right. You know what I mean?
To just kind of be like, well, Barbara Crampton is in it.
All the fucking horror fans are going to go watch it.
It kind of felt like that. OK.
So I don't know if you really want to watch some folklore stuff on witches.
It's available on Tubi for free.
That's the only place I recommend it.
I don't recommend paying for this movie.
No offense filmmakers, but at least with Tubi, you'll watch it.
There'll be commercials. They'll get paid for the commercials.
The end. And that is the winter witch.
Good to know to avoid this one.
OK. I could have swore the main chick in this was a fucking porn star.
Like she had those like she had that look like, you know, you know, the porn star look.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. So it looked like that.
So beware the boogeyman.
That says it all right there.
For her first day of orientation, Dr.
Tristan Mackenzie makes her way to the Silverdough Silverdill Psychiatric Hospital
for the Crimically Insane, where she learns of the estranged series of cases
from the similarly strange Dr. Moon.
Everyone is a little bit strange in this film.
It is anthology.
And how the anthology is based is that this new doctor is coming to this
mental health hospital and the each patient is having their story told.
And each story that the patient tells is around the boogeyman.
So the boogeyman has managed to effectively stalk and hurt each patient.
And you hear their story and then there's a wrap around with the two doctors.
Not a bad film. You know, now that I kind of recapped it,
some of the stories weren't too bad.
Some of them were really good.
There was one particularly at the end that I actually thought was really well done.
I don't think it was a bad effect at an anthology.
I think it was better than Midnight Peep Show, which I felt like was the most
disappointing peep show that we could have ever seen.
I do think this one had better stories in it.
But, you know, after seeing something like Shake, Rattle and Roll Extreme,
I have a hard time saying go watch Beware the Boogeyman for anthologies.
I would say if you like low budget films and anthology films that are based on
the concept of a new story about a boogeyman haunting each person,
then this is worth a watch.
But it's only for pay right now.
It's only on Apple TV, Google Play, YouTube, Amazon Video.
And I don't know if it's worth the price tag that's going to be attached to it,
to be honest with you.
So if you're an anthology completist, sure.
But I think Shake, Rattle and Roll Extreme is a better choice for anthology,
though I did appreciate some of the stories with Beware the Boogeyman.
So, you know, perhaps if you do have the time and you're a serious podcaster like
myself, then take the time and watch it, I guess, if you have access to it.
You didn't watch this next one, did you?
No, I actually have not even heard this one.
It's on one of our good friends Plex.
I understand why Lion Gate is producing weird ass movies now.
Like, what happened, Lionsgate?
Why are you coming out with the weirdest films?
This is called Sunrise and it is an 84 minute runtime.
The sun, the sun never sets on evil.
Before going further, let me just let me just guess by the title.
Vampire film? How did you know?
I knew it. My gosh, Scott, you're so smart.
Must come from being a premium professional podcaster like yourself.
Only premium podcasters like us would know this.
That's right. So not at all easy to figure out.
When an ex-cott named Fallon returns to the scene of a horrific crime,
the residents of a rural town soon discover the dark visitor is really a vampire
who feeds on blood and fear.
After he befriended by after he's befriended by a kind immigrant family,
the insect killer is faced with a choice between revenge and redemption.
I wouldn't say that he's like a horrible person.
I would say the dude that plays like the town fucking racist
run the mail guy is the real piece of shit.
His name is Reynolds.
He's played by Guy Pearce and he's just an asshole the entire time.
Yeah. Wow.
He's just an asshole the entire time.
Just an asshole. Guy Pearce.
Interesting. Yeah.
He he's like the most racist dude, classist dude, sexist dude.
Like you name it. He drops it.
You name one offensive thing like it begins off with him
executing a store owner because the store owner didn't pay him on time for protection.
Oh, geez. So that gives that gives you an idea. Right.
So, of course, the vampire looks like a fucking saint compared to this piece of shit.
So it's fine. It's entertaining enough.
But I found the dialogue to quote unquote in your face.
I didn't really find it endearing.
I found all the characters are kind of annoying.
The the asshole.
So Reynolds, his mom and him seemed to have this weird, incestuous relationship going on,
which is super weird.
And it's like super fucking.
Yeah, sorry. I know you live in Michigan.
But for the rest of the world, it's actually not that common.
Sander Kane gave it a star and a half.
And this was the same man that liked the movie about flowers last year.
So, like, you know what I mean, if he's given it one and a half, you know, it's a piece of poo poo.
But if for some reason you like like to support Lionsgate and you really like vampire films,
it's available on Apple TV, Google, Amazon, Microsoft Store and YouTube.
You know, I don't hate watching it because I like bringing it to the table and I like showing that,
you know, we watch a variety of things and I will say that the filming was good.
And, you know, it was it was entertaining enough.
I just don't think it's anything to run out of rent and that you need to like go watch any time soon.
Now, the next one, I would say, is a lot better.
But you watch this one, too, did you not?
I sure did. I'll let you feed it in.
All right. So the next one, actually the final twenty twenty four for us.
And this one is called Cold Meat with an eighty minute eighty nine minute runtime.
Outside is dangerous. Inside is deadly.
David Peterson is passing through the Colorado Rockies after having a young diner with her
after saving a young diner wages from her violent ex-husband during a break from driving.
He hits the road again alone through a dangerous snow blizzard.
One false move behind the wheel has him waking up inside her being in the eye of the storm.
But the cold is the least of his worries when a beast starts prowling outside.
How will he survive? So, yeah, this is a, you know, basically survival film in a way
because you're stuck outside or stuck in the elements in a car.
I mean, we've seen this before.
I forget what the name of it was, but like it was one of like a twenty twenty one or a twenty twenty.
Yeah, I remember it was a couple that got stuck in the car.
And yeah, yeah, whatever it was called, we'll call it below zero.
But it was something else. But we're just call it that for now.
Yeah, so it's basically like that, but with a couple of little twists into it.
But I won't get into that.
I will just say that I did not see the twist coming.
And I was kind of caught off guard like, oh, shit, OK, this got more intriguing.
But this is basically supposed to be a Wendigo story.
Like, you know, this right from the very beginning because they talk about the Wendigo mythology
right in the beginning and then just kind of in a way almost forget that the Wendigo is a thing,
because like it just it's there, but it's not.
And it's like very, very, very tiny part of this film.
It's definitely more character driven.
But all in all, I thought it was very interesting, very tense at moments.
I thought the actors in this played off each other really well.
They had really good chemistry.
And I found this all around quite entertaining.
That just the other whole it could have just foregone the whole Wendigo thing.
Yeah, I don't know, like to the point where I messaged Scott and I was like,
what was with the moose? He's like, that was a Wendigo.
I'm like, oh, you don't even like all you see is the horns.
You don't see anything else.
Yeah, like I was like, and then what was the point of it?
Like the Wendigo had nothing to do with it.
No, I didn't think, right?
It could have just been they could have made this movie
and not added the Wendigo myth, and it would just played out the exact same way.
But this is the first movie I have seen in a long time
where the synopsis did not give it away. Right.
Well, I thought it was going to be a very different film. Yeah.
And it was not. And I liked that.
I thought this was a really, really good film.
I just didn't understand the Wendigo part, but that didn't take it away from me.
Like, I still really fucking enjoyed it.
And I would recommend it. Yeah, I definitely would recommend it, too.
Because it's like I say, it's still like was tense at moments.
And the acting is really good.
And I was just intrigued the entire time
wanting to know how this was going to play out.
And where is it available, Scotty?
This is available.
Let me pull it up real quick.
Apple TV, Google Play, Voodoo, Amazon and YouTube to rent.
And yeah, I'd say it's worth the rent.
Yeah, yeah, I think so, too.
I think it's a solid twenty twenty four.
So you've heard it here first on the premium podcast.
It is a Friday Nightmares podcast of all the the great twenty twenty four horror films.
I've actually seen some ones added to our good friends Plex that I want to watch.
Did you add any to your watchlist?
Should we give a little teaser of what I haven't?
I haven't added any of them to my watchlist.
I've only been adding what you mentioned to my watchlist.
Oh, I tried. I tried to watch Late Checkout.
Don't don't do it. What is it?
Late Checkout. Oh, OK.
I yeah, I didn't see that one on there.
So I mean, there may be some new ones I hadn't even seen yet.
So OK, so there's two that I added, the stop motion.
Yes, I was curious about that one.
And Romy, another AI gone wrong, which I'm here for it.
And there's also a new to be original.
And Jason Lloyd said it's definitely like his favorite to be original this year.
And it's actually a pretty good slasher.
Let me look it up real quick.
I have it on my list.
The camp, the camp host, the camp.
Does it look like a campy movie, like like they go to a summer camp?
Kind of. It's when a young couple in their dog lodge at an idyllic campground.
Things turn terrifying when the owner reveals herself as a psychopathic killer.
It's called the camp host.
Yep. Why don't I have it?
No, like two words camp host.
But not OK. Hold on. Not one word.
I don't know if that would make a difference or not.
Nope. Bad box.
Well, I'll just have to ask someone to add it for me. Right.
Damn different countries, movies.
Yeah, fucking countries. Yeah, but then we're we're basically just like
we're basically the same country in a way.
So we basically are.
You just have better health care and everything else and everything else.
Everything that makes society better.
Oh, yeah. Canada is just this perfect place. Let's go with that.
Well, right with that.
Well, I'm not saying that.
Yeah, it's definitely not.
So for older watches.
So many, many, many moons ago when Scott and I used to do nothing
but watch movies because it was the pandemic,
I watched a little film called The Bridge Curse in 2020.
And I actually really enjoyed it.
It was a time is a Taiwanese film.
And I was cruising through Netflix the other night.
And I was like the bird, the bridge curse ritual.
Could it be the sequel?
So, yes, I watched the sequel to The Bridge Curse.
And you know what? It was pretty fucking good. Nice.
I really enjoyed it.
We got only one returning character from the first one
for obvious reasons, if you've seen The Bridge Curse.
Basically, this is another haunted place for film.
Only it's building on what happened the last time.
And they play the elevator game in this one.
But it's definitely not as annoying to people as they found.
Elevate game.
Well, it's a Taiwanese film.
So you automatically know it's going to be scarier. True. Right.
So there is definitely all the tropes of any kind of
ghost film that you would see as a in a Taiwanese film.
It's fucking excellent.
I don't know if you enjoy these type of movies.
I think it's totally worth the watch on Netflix.
It's one hundred and one minutes.
It's creepy. It's well done. It's well acted.
The ending leaves you like, oh, fuck, things are not resolved.
Great. I thought they were just kidding.
Fooled you. Right.
Which I do love with Netflix.
It is also I don't believe it is dubbed.
It is only in subtitles.
So you do have to watch and read subtitles, but fucking recommend this one.
I actually like it more than I like the first one.
I thought it was better.
I think they had more money this time around.
So they were able to do a little bit more, which helps.
But I really, really enjoyed it.
And that is called The Bridge Curse, The Ritual on Netflix.
Nice. And I did want to bring up, since you're talking about sequels of films
you watched back in like twenty, twenty, twenty, twenty one.
I don't know if you noticed that our friends Plex,
but the sequel to the low budget film Butchers or.
Sorry, my phone started playing there.
The sequel to Butchers is available.
Yeah, I think it's on our good friends Plex.
I noticed that like it came out.
Oh, and I knew you loved or you really enjoyed that low budget.
I did not as much of a fan.
Was it the butcher block? Is that the sequel?
Let me look it up real quick, because I was looking at a letterbox.
But I didn't see the name or at least recognize it.
So let me see.
Oh, it is. Fuck. Yeah, it is.
Of course. Yeah.
And yeah, my Plex is not working on my phone at the moment.
Oh, I see it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, baby.
Oh, fuck. Yeah.
Yes, I would like to mention that to you because I knew you were a fan.
I was a fan. I was great.
Fuck. Yeah, I'm going to watch that baby tomorrow at the gym.
Fuck. Yeah. Fuck. Yeah.
Oh, yeah. I'll be watching that bad boy.
And well, yeah, I actually decided because I didn't have an older watch
because I'd done a bunch of rewatches like the blob remake and stuff like that.
Have on in the background on to be.
But I did something different.
So for because it's not what the fuck.
Sorry, I'm trying to look up a podcast to share and it keeps playing.
My apologies, Scott. Continue.
You're just trying to ruin my mom.
No, I'm not. Fuck my life.
OK, it should be fine now. Sorry.
All right. So so in the what's new category,
I actually have finally gotten back into reading again.
And I have like kind of become obsessed to the point
where I'm like buying like a couple of new books, every paycheck.
And I've joined you. Yeah, I've joined a couple of horror groups
that have talk about books and joined.
Finally created a Goodreads account because I never had one
and started like keeping track of everything there.
And it's thanks to just trying to find something to do on my work breaks
now that I'm trying to I'm still quote unquote trying to quit vaping.
But I don't bring a vape pen with me to work.
So I read my books in my car on breaks now to keep my mind distracted.
And I do audio books on my drive to and from work now, like I used to do.
Mm hmm. And I always keep playing.
Sorry, I'm not. Oh, you're right.
And it was also thanks to our good friend Kate Pollock
and her new podcast, Kate Kate, whose book reviews that she's been doing.
So I kind of got inspired there.
So I decided to bring two books that I have just recently read and finished
and just talk about them real quick.
So the first one is Dark Heart, Dark Harvest by Norman Partridge from 2007.
Yep, this is the one that the movie Dark Harvest was based on
from last year during October.
The synopsis is Halloween 1963.
They call him the October boy or old hacksaw face or sawtooth jack.
Whatever the name, everybody in this small Midwestern town
knows who he is, how he rises from the cornfields every Halloween,
a butcher knife in hand and makes his way towards town where gangs of teenage boys
eagerly await their chance to confront the legendary nightmare,
both the hunter and the hunted.
The October boy is the prize and an annual rite of life and death.
I won't get into it because it's a longer synopsis, but I will just say like, yeah.
Well, it was a short book, only 169 pages, I believe.
So it was a quick, easy read.
I think I finished it in like four days.
I will say it's very weirdly paced structurally, like book wise.
There really isn't like, I would say, a main character in this.
It's just kind of a main, I would say almost like side characters throughout it.
There's no one that just focuses a lot on really good book.
But I actually am shocked to say this, but I think the movie covered it better.
It had a better cohesive story.
You had characters that you were like, for sure were main characters you followed.
The movie was way more violent, like in gruesome, which, you know, really.
Yeah, which in book form, you usually get way more gruesome in the books
because you can describe. Yeah, totally.
No, this one, like it almost just like didn't really even talk about the kills,
just kind of went past them.
And this, like in the movie, you know, you've seen them and it was violent and gory.
And yeah, I think I like the movie more,
but I still think the Dark Harvest novel was really good.
And then the next one is one that I've read or listened
to the audiobook a million times over, but it's just one of my favorites.
And I found out there's short stories that have come out that are based in this world.
So I want to just kind of refresh myself.
But that is Ghost Road Blues by Jonathan Mayberry.
And this came out in 2006.
It is the first story in the Pine Deep Trilogy.
Or should be using it as an alternative.
And I don't know why he's playing.
Honestly, I don't know the fuck is wrong with Spotify for real, Scott.
I have no idea what's happening.
It's like my phone's cursed.
This is how it ends.
The cursed phone. It's a new movie.
Spotify, honestly, fucking Spotify.
I just turned off my volume.
So now at least they can just keep talking and no one can hear it.
So all right.
But this one is I'm not going to read the synopsis.
Just I will briefly talk about it.
Yep, this is the first one in a trilogy that is a horror theory.
Horror series where something bad happened in this town 30 years ago.
And the evil is kind of in the soil of this town.
And at first, I like that.
Yeah. At first, it was a solid solidarity, like one single type of evil.
But now this evil is kind of recruiting in a way and kind of corrupting
people's dreams that are already kind of shitheads in the town anyways.
And they start acting a little more out of sorts and doing more fucked up things
until this evil force just kind of breaks free and all hell breaks
loose throughout this entire trilogy.
But yeah, I have loved this series.
Like you can tell, Jonathan Mayberry is a fan of horror
because he gives references to all these different horror stars.
In fact, I think in part three, there's a horror convention
that's going on in the town.
And Tom Savini shows up.
Oh, I love it. He brings up
Kane Hodders brought up, I believe, and Tony Todd.
Nice. I love it. Yeah.
So and it's but yeah, I just found out there's a short story compilation
that has like five or six short stories that are based as prequels
after the events and even some during the events of different people's perspective.
So I'm like, OK, going to re re re listen to the entire trilogy
in my car and then I can jump into those short stories because yeah,
if you have not read Ghost Road Blues and you are a huge horror fan
that loves to read, I cannot recommend Ghost Road Blues,
the Pinedeep trilogy enough. It's fucking awesome. I love it.
I'm glad that you bring in the bad boys to the to the discussion.
Books are good.
Yeah, and I'll say by the time we record again,
I'll probably have two more to bring up.
Oh, look at you doing all the reading. I am.
You read in the goodness.
So the reason why my Spotify kept going off was
because I was trying to find the podcast I wanted to talk about.
And my other podcast, it's about anti MLM kept playing.
So all we have listening to is this bitch go off about anti MLM stuff anyway.
So I recently was part of the horror returns.
I didn't even tell Scotty I did this, actually.
I was I led their woman in horror episode for March.
Lance had asked a year ago to do it.
So I got together a panel of women
who are not as well known to the horror community.
I did invite Kate Pollock and Tammy Taminator,
but unfortunately, due to scheduling, they were not able to join.
But Sabrina Warman, who is a Canadian author of The Blood Coven,
The Blood Coven, The Blood Bound series books, who just had her second book
released last week, also good friends with Kate Pollock
and Jessica Smith from the Horror Through Her Eyes podcast.
And the horror cast.
Yes. And the horror cast.
But fuck the horror cast. That's what we're talking about.
Mark Nadeau always gets his time in the sun.
Jessica and Tammy are going to shine bright right now.
Yeah, I was going to say, I just knew of Jessica
through horror cast at first and then follow them through horror through her eyes.
So Tammy, on her on this podcast, her name is Taminator Tammy Turner.
And it's Jessica, the amateur destroyer, which I think is like super awesome.
Let me just say, first off, they have a like a purpose for their podcast.
So they kind of read their vision statement at the beginning of their episodes
like a true premium podcast, not like what I say, how we're premium podcast.
We're not compared to these two ladies.
So I did a I hosted Jessica and Sabrina as well as Pedro.
Shouts out to Pedro.
And I was the moderator and I went through the horror bracket
of the best empowered female film, which I won't give the winner
because you have to go to the horror returns and listen.
But we had a very good conversation.
It was almost three hours in length.
Oh, but not boring.
Because when we got to the second round, because nothing drives me nuts
in Ron Robbins more than when we get to a second round
and people repeat the points they made from the first time.
So I specifically said, if you don't have new points, it's OK.
You can just say what I said last time, that's absolutely fine.
And people came up with new points or they just like moved forward with films.
So it was a very, very interesting episode.
You may want to listen to it, Scott. It's been dropped.
I think you would enjoy it.
And you should support me because I'm your friend.
I support you. I support all these women that I actually was curious about.
Sabrina Bowman, because of Kate, I've been wanting to kind of look
into purchasing some of her books and support her and like read into these books.
Yeah, I'm going to be buying them to to support her
because she's my Canadian sister.
So we have to as Canadians, right?
And yeah, like everyone else on this podcast, like plus it's the horror returns.
So, yeah, I got a list of this.
Yeah, like so I got to hang out with a bunch of hot men and hot ladies.
Like, fuck, I was just like, whoo.
I'm standing myself just trying to keep myself
striking myself under under the cover.
Anyway, so so Tammy and Jessica have this podcast, Horror Through Her Eyes,
horror from an all female point of view.
They had their opening episode where they talk about themselves,
which is very interesting.
But they also talk about sleep away camp.
And I think it's really hard to talk about movies that have been talked to death about.
We did that years ago when we went through the slasher shed
and we talked about the history of horror and all that kind of stuff.
And they're doing something very similar.
And I applaud them for that because you and I gave that up at what point?
Episode 50. I don't remember.
Yes, I'm like that episode 50 episode 65.
But then again, it does run its time.
You know, I think the one thing with doing themes is that you do get to a point
where it runs its time.
And Scott and I were lucky that we started that at a time
where it was covid and there wasn't a lot going on.
So we could do these lavish, lengthy, well researched podcasts.
Like I used to research an article and compare it to the theme.
And then we would bring in movies like it was a very, very true premium podcast.
We've now gone down to the bargain then.
But we've got the bare essentials, but we're reliable.
And you can come here for the newest releases like a premium podcast should be.
So if anyone is interested, please check out
that podcast that's going to it's already been dropped on the horror returns.
And yeah, and please check out these two ladies.
I think they're quite phenomenal, very intelligent.
And, you know, lucky we're lucky to be in a community
where people continue to develop and create new podcasts.
I always think there's space for more.
When Scott and I started out, we had some people that were kind of dicks to us.
And I'm going to call it out right now.
We had some people that weren't that nice when we began.
A lot of like we were the new kids on the block.
And for some reason, people thought that you couldn't have other people
like fucking talking into a microphone like you do you, man.
And welcome more and more to the party, the better,
because it just allows more voices to be shared.
So exactly. Right.
And we've been at this bitch for five years now.
Scott and I need the fresh meat coming in.
We're tired of tired of being the newbies.
Oh, well, definitely not the movies anymore.
Right. So, yeah, I'm looking forward to when we meet up again, Scotty,
and we all have seen imaginary.
I do plan on going next weekend to see it, though.
I don't think it will be anything like, you know.
Yeah. But I think it will be OK.
Yeah, I'll say it looked interesting.
So I'm sure I'll watch it at some point, but probably not in theaters.
We'll see, though. Right.
My life's gotten a lot busier, so it's a little harder to get to the theaters.
Yeah. Well, you know what? Are you missing really anything like that?
It's good to go support horror. But you know what I mean?
Like, right, you know, sometimes you just got to pick your pick the way you support.
And we support by sharing the word.
Exactly. Word of mouth is very important.
Right. Right. Ask the mouth.
Not so important, but word depends on who you are.
Right. Well, thank you as always for joining us.
And as always, we encourage you to listen to our podcasting friends.
We talked about the horror returns already, as always.
We love our dummies of horror.
We love our Rob Humphreys.
Is it Slasher Radio that's still going on strong? Slasher Radio.
We love our Dave Zee and Christian at the Exploding Heads movie podcast.
We love our Dave Bailey and Android Virus at the Cemetery Gates podcast.
We love our ladies at Horror Through Her Eyes podcast.
And of course, where would we all be without Mr.
Mark Nadeau at the horror cast? Like, honestly.
And we also can't forget Matt Wood and Kate Pollock from The Eternal Darkness of the Not-So-Spot.
I could forget Matt, but I could never forget Kate.
But Matt, Matt, I will never forget you, Matt.
I love you. I do love Matt, too.
And I love his reviews.
Honestly, his reviews are the best written reviews ever.
They're so good. He cracks me up.
He's so honest. He is honest.
And he always has funny comparisons.
Like he takes something from the movie and rates it out of 10.
So I always find that really fun.
We are we are proud members of the Legion podcasts network.
You can find us there as well as a variety of other Legion shows.
There also is a Patreon in which has lots of extra bonuses and specials
that you can do. And if you are not a Patreon member yet, what are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Come on and join us now.
What are you waiting for?
What are you waiting for?
Join us.
Join us today and support your broadcast.
If not, minimum, listen to Horror Through Her Eyes, the new podcast.
Listen to the podcast that we talked about earlier.
Listen to all of them. Fresh Cuts, everybody.
Just go out there and show some podcasting love.
You know, you'll find the one that works for you or the couple that work for you.
And hopefully we're still part of the rotation.
If not, well, you know, you know, I'm always in that rotation.
You always come back.
They have never gone.
We do are the premium choice for twenty twenty threes, though.
Mark Nato, sorry, twenty twenty fours, Mark Nato does give us a run for his money
because it wasn't for Mark Nato.
We would not be the premium podcasters we are today.
I think we would not have the options that we do for watching shows.
And Mark Nato, we trust.
Let's just put it that way. Mark Nato, we trust.
So thank you, Mark Nato.
Again, you know, you're the best.
And also thank you, Nudie, because you also bring this up.
Yeah. Yeah.
Thank you for making this look better than we actually are.
And shutter for God's sakes, for the love of God.
I appreciate your variety, but please pick up something good this year, please.
Do you have anything to say to the good folks before we peace out there, Scotty?
Until next time, kiddies.
I don't have anything clever to say right now.
So I'll just say unpleasant dreams.
Keep reading.
Scott's going to now do a dark version of the reading rainbow.
Yes, I'm going to create my own book club.
And it's going to be like a saw movie.
Why can't you finish this book?
You have five seconds to finish it or I break your fingers
and then provide a synopsis of what happened.
Yes, like the most stressed out book report writing ever.
But until next time, see you in pleasant dreams. Bye.
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